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Contact Us

Palm Beach County Substance Awareness Coalition

2300 High Ridge Rd. Boynton Beach, FL 33426


or fill out the form below to email us.




  • It is illegal to provide anyone, even your own child, alcohol if they are
    under the age of 21. Provide alcohol to minors and you could face fines
    and jail time.
  • You may be held liable for any injuries or damages caused by providing
    a minor with alcohol, no matter where that occurs.
  • The teen brain is developing until the age of 25 and alcohol can damage
    that developing brain.
  • Research shows that underage drinking has a series of negative
    consequences including: reduced school performance, crime, injuries,
    risky sexual situations, motor vehicle crashes, and large economic impacts.
  • 39.4% of High School drinkers reported drinking in their own home.
  • 42.9% of High school drinker reported “Someone gave it to me” as their source of alcohol.
  • 84.3% of PBC teens reported NOT drinking in the last 30 days (2018FYSAS)


  • Refuse to give anyone alcohol who is under 21.
  • Be home when your teen has friends over.
  • Be sure teens are not bringing alcohol into your home.
  • Lock up any alcohol in your home.
  • Talk to other parents. Make sure they know you do not
    support underage drinking.
  • Take the Pledge

Help us keep alcohol out of the hands of teens.




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